Christian Prey, born in 1978, grown up in Berlin, started with early piano improvisations (mostly very dramatic) in school performances, took his first drum and percussion lessons at age 11 and later jazz and rock piano with Carsten Sahling. In the 1990s, with the rise of the Amiga and Atari computers, the fascinating world of sequencing and composing opened up to him.
Being mostly an autodidact who always wanted to to compose for film, he started an internship in 2003 at the studio of the well reputated german film composer and producer Rainer Oleak, who has worked with german musicians like Günther Fischer and Reinhard Lakomy amongst many others.
The internship became an apprenticeship, resulting in a Media Designer degree and eventually led to a regular work at Rainer Oleak’s studio for overall 7 years.
During this time he learned a lot about recording, mixing and composing music for TV, cinema and album productions, highlights being recordings for the bands “Silbermond”, “Karat”, “Veronika Fischer” and the “Ostrock in Klassik” productions, featuring live orchestra recordings with the Babelsberger Film Orchestra.
Since 2010 he is working as a freelance composer and sound designer and has since been working on a variety of projects including corporate films (VW, Microsoft, Samsung, Huawei), more than 30 episodes of the Lindau Nobel Mini Lecture Series and science documetaries, as well as soundtracks and sound design for CGI animations.
In 2011 he moved with his studio from Berlin and is now living with his two children (and two cats) on a farm in the countryside of Brandenburg.